Euribor wikipedia

With the month of September ended we already know the exact value of the Euribor this month 2021. The Euribor is the most used index as a basis for variable rate mortgages. This means that the payment of variable rate mortgages will depend directly on the value of the Euribor.

The Euribor is the index by which the great majority of mortgages in our country are guided. Knowing its value and its annual and monthly evolution is fundamental; as well as understanding how it affects mortgages. The monthly average of the 12-month Euribor as of December 3, 2018 is -0.146%.

IRPH Entidades is the second most used reference index in mortgages in our country, behind Euribor. However, this index has historically been located several points above Euribor with the consequent extra cost in the mortgage installment that it entails.

IRPH or Euribor? When choosing our mortgage, one of the main doubts that assail us is the choice of the reference index that will set the interest rate of our loan. Basically, we have two main options to choose from: Euribor or IRPH.

Euribor 2021

Mario Draghi, the outgoing president of the European Central Bank, in the face of the difficulties being seen in the Eurozone has taken the hand of monetary policy to try to reverse the economic situation.

The National Statistics Institute (INE) has published today its Mortgage Statistics with data corresponding to November 2016. Its reading is quite interesting since it allows us to make an X-ray of the market….

The Euribor (Ero Interbank Offered Rate) is the most important index in the Eurozone. It is established as an average rate based on the daily quotations presented by a panel of banks that represent the rates at which they lend money to each other.

It was only a matter of time and it has already happened: the Euribor ended February in negative territory for the first time in its history. Specifically, it closed the month with an average rate of -0.008%, an all-time low after the all-time low of 0.042% with which it…

Mortgagors are in luck. The Euribor, the indicator to which the vast majority of mortgages in our country are referenced, continues to search for a floor and last October marked a new historic low, standing at 0.128%, the lowest rate in the history of…

Euribor 3 meses

El Euribor (acrónimo de Euro InterBank Offered Rate) es el índice más utilizado para el cálculo de las revisiones del tipo de interés variable en las hipotecas. Es un tipo de interés de referencia oficial que se calcula como la media aritmética simple mensual de los valores diarios a los que se prestan dinero los principales bancos europeos.

En las hipotecas a interés variable, el tipo de interés al que el prestatario debe devolver la cantidad prestada se compone de un porcentaje fijo y un índice de referencia, que normalmente es el Euribor. El tipo de interés se revisa cada seis meses o cada año, y varía en función de la evolución del índice al que está referenciado, por lo que las cuotas mensuales que debe pagar el prestatario pueden subir o bajar. Por tanto, existe una relación muy estrecha y vinculante entre el Euribor y las hipotecas.

En los primeros días hábiles de cada mes, el Boletín Oficial del Estado publica el dato del Euribor correspondiente al mes anterior. En la hipoteca se especificará qué fecha se utilizará para obtener el valor oficial del Euribor, que se tendrá en cuenta a la hora de revisar las cuotas, ya sea del mes anterior a la fecha de revisión o de otro.


Bankinter’s Analysis Department analyzes in its quarterly Strategy report its forecast of the Euribor for 2021, 2022 and 2023, the main indicator for the calculation of mortgages in the coming months.

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