Bar la bicicleta madrid

the galileo bicycle

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What can you tell us about the ‘Cycling Café’? It’s a concept that comes from the idea of being able to offer the space as a platform to promote cycling in Madrid. From that point of view we use our space and our capacity and communication channels to organize and promote events around the world of cycling, from exhibitions to weekly bike rides outside the city, talks, book launches, etc.

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la bicicleta malasaña

Paredes desconchadas, muebles vintage, muchos vasos de montura negra y algún que otro perro: así es la Bicicleta Café. El ambiente crea un «caos pacífico» en el que todo parece estar a medio hacer, pero con un efecto agradable.Sólo he estado allí para tomar una copa, así que no puedo hablar de su comida, pero lo que vimos al menos parecía bastante apetecible. Se definen como una cafetería apasionada por las bicicletas (por si no lo habías adivinado por las bicicletas que decoran las paredes), el café y la creación del lugar de trabajo perfecto. ¡Y la verdad es que han hecho un buen trabajo! Tienen mesas bastante amplias, perfectas para venir en

the bicycle cafe

At that time our ambitions did not go beyond recovering our investment and being able, taking advantage of our special location, to establish a schedule that would allow us to have time for what we liked most besides cooking, traveling and catching waves … but we quickly died of success and while everyone seemed to be doing very well we only saw how we were getting into a bigger and bigger mess…

In March 2016 we would reopen the restaurant in a different form and under the same name but with a new concept more «gastronomic» oriented to redirect our cuisine to a more refined line, more committed to the local product (by extension not so traveled), which would allow us to reflect our passage through the kitchen of Zuberoa, in a concept ultimately closer to haute cuisine that we admired so much, in a collective suicide surely unprecedented.

Our goal is to value seasonal products and always work, as far as possible, with local and organic products and producers, although we also support and work with projects with which we feel identified, that care and pamper their product, regardless of the distance that separates us.

toma café madrid

If cozy had an associated image that comes to mind every time we hear this word, it would certainly resemble La Bicicleta Galileo. It is a pleasant café specializing in brunch but with a non-stop open kitchen, located in the inner courtyard of the Galileo Cultural Center itself. Thus, in this location in the Chamberí neighborhood, we get to isolate ourselves from the routine and everything is impregnated with the smell of good coffee. From here, the only thing left to do is to enjoy.

In addition, next to the cafeteria itself, they have a mixed space shared between the Galileo Cultural Center and La Bicicleta. A lobby certainly isolated in which large tables will be placed to share, designed to work.

And every breakfast starts, of course, with a coffee. Although Quique stresses that this is not just another specialty coffee, the one they serve here -prepared by expert baristas- is well worth it, so this and a piece of homemade pastry is not a bad alternative for those who prefer to start the day in a less forceful way. For those who enjoy the brunch-brunch roll, the best is their Salmon Poché Brioche, a brioche bun with poached eggs, salmon, spinach, avocado, hollandaise sauce and salad bucket. A reinvention of eggs benedict that is just as, if not more instagrammable.

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