Tiendanimal gran via 2

Tiendanimal gran via 2

gran via 2 opening hours

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Impresentables I placed the order 2408111 on 2702 and today you have not even sent it. They were not shipped in 24h48hThe Customer Service should not contact customers to inform the reason for the delays I stopped buying products on your site because of the delays in 2 orders in a row and after a few months I decided to give another chance, but as soon as I get this last order, I am going to unsubscribe from your services. In all the delays, I had to call myself to find out why you were not sending me the orders and it was because of lack of goods, because when I placed the order it was not updated on the Tiendanimal website. Today I had to go to the supermarket to buy food for the cat because the food I paid for a week ago is still in your warehouse.

gran vía 2 tiendas

Sabemos todo lo que hay que saber sobre los barrios de Barcelona, las calles, los restaurantes… Estamos al día de todo lo que necesitas saber para disfrutar al máximo de la ciudad. ¿Nos acompañas en este viaje a la capital catalana?

Sabemos que organizar un viaje a Barcelona no siempre es fácil. Y, como todo en la vida, no hay nada mejor que ser recomendado por gente que sabe de lo que habla… ¡y nosotros lo sabemos!

Somos de Barcelona capital, de hecho, ¡hemos nacido aquí! Y en nuestro equipo hay perfiles de todo: foodies, amantes de la cultura, deportistas, músicos, viajeros, amantes de la playa… Así que podemos recomendarte todo lo que quieras saber.

Si estás buscando, ¡podemos ayudarte! Sólo tienes que navegar por nuestra web y podrás resolver tus dudas. Y si no lo encuentras, ¡no dudes en escribirnos! Nos encanta nuestra ciudad y nos encanta hablar de ella, ¡así que aquí estamos!

Esta página está creada por gente de Barcelona y para gente de Barcelona y de otras partes del mundo. La ciudad de Barcelona es un lugar muy turístico y visitado tanto por locales como por gente de todo el mundo.

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How not to let our pets also take advantage of discounts and coupon Tiendanimal? Check out our page for all the discounts we offer for this store and enjoy the savings by using our Tiendanimal discount code for web promotions. Don’t leave your pets without the best deals either. Take advantage and buy terrariums, aquariums or accessories for dogs, they have everything you need for your pets and also for you with our Tiendanimal discount coupons! Don’t miss the Tiendanimal offers!


With the new 450 m2 store, Tiendanimal offers its customers and pets a wide range of products with more than 6,000 references dedicated to the care, welfare and maintenance of pets.

Tiendanimal de Centro Comercial Parquesol includes a sales area of 800 m2 and more than 8,000 product references. Like the rest of the establishments, it offers personal advice services for its customers and pets, who are welcome in every corner of the store. In addition, in all the new stores, users will have at their disposal services such as Click & Collect for the collection of products purchased in the online store.

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