Protectora de animales ibiza

Buy dogs in ibiza

Sims : Border collie, older adult was found with his brother in the street and brought directly to the shelter, both had high psychological problems which is why we believe they were abandoned. His brother was adopted and he continues his rehabilitation at the shelter.

Virginia and Iván: Adult mestizos. They were captured by Can Dog after a denouncement of a massive slaughter of goats, they were 4 wild dogs, where only 2 could be found. Due to their indomitable characteristics they were given to the shelter for their rehabilitation.

Virginia and Iván: Adult mongrels. They were captured by Can Dog after a denouncement of a massive slaughter of goats, they were 4 wild dogs, where only 2 could be found. Due to their untamed characteristics they were delivered to the shelter for rehabilitation.

Hope: adult podenca, was rescued by Can Dog who found her in the street, she has an advanced glaucoma that caused blindness and very low weight, because of these characteristics Can Dog gave us the guardianship to be able to follow her more deeply and continuously.

Perros ibiza

La Fundación GOSSOS está comprometida con la causa de los perros perdidos o abandonados, y se dedica al cuidado, socialización y adiestramiento de los perros para favorecer su recuperación física y emocional. De esta manera los preparamos para la vida en familia y les ofrecemos una nueva oportunidad.

Acogemos a perros que necesitan una gran dosis de amor, dedicación y paciencia. Perros que llevan a cuestas sus experiencias pasadas y que, en el mejor de los casos, sólo tienen que lidiar con el hecho de haber sido abandonados.

Como cada perro tiene un carácter y un comportamiento distintos, trabajamos con ellos de forma individual. Esto nos permite conocer mejor sus necesidades, habilidades y preferencias y nos ayuda a identificar sus miedos.

Nuestros perros son de suma importancia para nosotros, por lo que nos gustaría conocerle antes de presentarle a cualquiera de ellos. Hemos elaborado un cuestionario con preguntas sobre su situación personal y su hogar para conocer su estilo de vida y asegurarnos de que podemos satisfacer sus necesidades y las de nuestros perros.

Town hall of ibiza

We will inform you about our work with animals in Ibiza, which consists of animal welfare, animal aid, animal shelter, dog sanctuary, and help sponsoring animals for dogs and cats. Here you can learn a lot about the fate of animals in Ibiza and how you can help, the suffering of stray animals to alleviate many. They also help the animals DUO Ibiza Help.

During the stay at the Centro Canino Mallorcan your pet, will enjoy room and individual outings to playground of 2000m. All this in the middle of nature, attended by canine psychologists; Our kennel is not overcrowded, …

Can dog ibiza

We are a group of people who seeing the urgent needs of animals suffering from abandonment on the island, joined forces to work together with the municipal kennel of Sa Coma to help with veterinary expenses, shelter puppies and grandparents in need and adoptions.

On the island one of our biggest problems is the amount of dogs that are abandoned and need a PPP license (Potentially Dangerous Dogs), in order to be adopted. That is why the Foundation helps adopters by financing the licenses, since not only is it cumbersome but many families cannot afford the expenses but show us that they want a dog to join their families.

Here at Fundación Perros Abandonados en Ibiza we have only one goal: To do our bit to make the world a better place for everyone. Our decision making process is based on exhaustive studies and data evaluations, in order to attack the problems that afflict us in the best possible way. Our goal is to build productive and lasting relationships in order to have a positive impact through all our activities.

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