Gentilicio de ciudad real

Real city to see

The altitude of the city is 708 meters measured at the main square. The climate is continentalized Mediterranean, with long, cold winters and short, very hot summers. The average annual temperature is 13.1 °C and the average annual rainfall is over 400 l/m². With a population of 87,484 inhabitants (INE 2020), it is the second most populated city in the autonomous community after Albacete. The municipality has an area of 235.51 km² and a population density of 355.11 inhabitants/km².

The lack of industrial development limited the city’s possibilities until well into the 20th century. As in most of the country, the Civil War and the post-war period were very difficult times. In 1959, Guadalajara was included in the development plans as a polygon of industrial decongestion of Madrid, which caused significant growth rates of the city and the so-called Corredor del Henares.

The city of Guadalajara is located in the center of the Iberian Peninsula, southwest of the Iberian System and northwest of the Southern Subplateau. It is located to the west of the province of the same name and is nestled in the valley of the Henares River, a tributary of the Jarama, in turn a tributary of the Tagus.


Ciudad Real (US: /sjuːˌdɑːd reɪˈɑːl, -ˌðɑːð/,[2][3] español:  [θjuˈðað reˈal]; inglés: «Ciudad Real») es un municipio de España situado en la comunidad autónoma de Castilla-La Mancha, capital de la provincia de Ciudad Real. Es el quinto municipio más poblado de la región.

Se fundó con el nombre de Villa Real bajo el auspicio de Alfonso X,[4][5] quien le concedió un fuero que seguía el modelo del de Cuenca.[6] Situada dentro del dominio de la Orden Militar de Calatrava, la repoblación tuvo dificultades inicialmente. [7] Cansados de la influencia de Villa Real, ciudad independiente y directamente dependiente de la corona enclavada en el territorio dominado por la Orden de Calatrava, los maestres de la Orden establecieron un mercado rival en la cercana Miguelturra tratando de desbaratar la actividad económica de la villa[8].

Juan II de Castilla concedió a Villa Real el estatus de ciudad en 1420, convirtiéndose así en Ciudad Real[4] La ciudad no contaba probablemente con más de 2.000 habitantes por aquel entonces y, a pesar de haberse celebrado Cortes en alguna ocasión, la ciudad dominante en la zona seguía siendo Almagro[10].

Towns of ciudad real

Ciudad Real offers us a modern layout that has managed to maintain all its La Mancha flavor. Currently well communicated thanks to the high speed train AVE Madrid-Seville (although in my case I arrived from Extremadura by the N 430 road that has a truly deplorable safety conditions).

In 1691 Ciudad Real was named capital of the region of La Mancha. In 1833 the province of Ciudad Real was finally created, with Ciudad Real as its capital. In modern times Ciudad Real and its province went through a period of stagnation conditioned by the idiosyncrasy of this land: scarce population, poor communications, few capitals or excessive dependence on the agrarian environment.

The city preserves, due to the lack of care in the past, only a few historical vestiges. Walking through the center of the city we can admire some vestiges of the city’s past, such as the Cathedral of Santa María del Prado. The church is of transitional Gothic style, although it was originally a Romanesque hermitage. It has undergone several restorations, the most recent being the one that gives it its current appearance.

Ciudad real weather

From left to right and from top to bottom: the palace of the Provincial Council, the church of San Pedro, the cathedral of Santa María del Prado, the City Hall, the Puerta de Toledo and the church of Santiago Apóstol.

The antipodes of Ciudad Real are located at a point north of the Kaimanawa Forest Park in the North Island of New Zealand, near the town of Turangi in the Waikato region.

In its municipal district, 8 km from the city, is the hill of Alarcos, an ancient Iberian town of important archaeological value, also for its medieval hermitage and castle; its surroundings were the scene of the battle of the same name, where the Christian troops were defeated by the Almohads (1195).

In 1508 it suffered a terrible flood. During the War of the Communities she remained loyal to Charles I at least until January 1521.[11] The invitations of the Santa Junta, which ordered on December 28 to write letters to her council, and the refusal of the viceroys to grant her certain requests, motivated her to join the rebel side. Thus, the Royal Council criticized the council of the Mesta when it wanted to meet in Ciudad Real, because it considered that the town did not offer the necessary security.

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