Gentilicio de costa rica
gentilicio de austria
Inglés (US) Francés (Francia) Alemán Italiano Japonés Coreano Polaco Portugués (Brasil) Portugués (Portugal) Ruso Chino simplificado (China) Español (México) Chino tradicional (Taiwán) Turco Vietnamita
Inglés (US) Francés (Francia) Alemán Italiano Japonés Coreano Polaco Portugués (Brasil) Portugués (Portugal) Ruso Chino simplificado (China) Español (México) Chino tradicional (Taiwán) Turco Vietnamita
El símbolo de Nivel de Idioma muestra la competencia de un usuario en los idiomas que le interesan. La configuración de su nivel de idioma ayuda a los demás usuarios a proporcionarle respuestas que no sean demasiado complejas ni demasiado sencillas.
gentilicio de portugal en inglés
La erupción de un volcán en una parte del mundo puede afectar a las condiciones meteorológicas en otras partes del mundo porque- A el flujo de lava hacia el océano provoca un aumento de las temperaturas oceánicas en todo el mundo. B. el humo y las cenizas volcánicas pueden ser transportadas por el viento alrededor del mundo, bloqueando algunos de los rayos del sol. C. después de una erupción volcánica, la energía geotérmica provoca un aumento de la temperatura del aire en todo el mundo. D. los árboles y otras plantas crecen rápidamente en la roca volcánica fértil, y añaden grandes cantidades de oxígeno refrigerante a la atmósfera terrestre.
gentilicios in english
In reality, the colonization gap has lost validity over time in favor of San Isidro, administrative head of the canton. The reason for the settlement was the fertile soils generally located on the banks of the river, a little broken topography and that the road went through Rivas, Buena Vista and Division, where he went to the area of the Saints, settlers of origin. Today the Interamerican Highway has a different route.
There were several reasons for survival, which apparently indicated to the first settlers that these lands were of importance; among the characteristics is that they were very fertile for agriculture; it is also said that because of the type of relief, since the topography of this district is quite flat, and apparently, land communication had much to do because from General Viejo one went to Rivas, from Rivas to Buena Vista and from here to División, then to the Zone of Los Santos, from where most of the settlers emigrated.
countries and their names in english and spanish
In fact, the colonization gap has lost validity over time in favor of San Isidro, administrative head of the canton. The reason for the settlement were the fertile soils generally located on the banks of the river, a topography little broken and that the road went through Rivas, Buena Vista and Division, where he went to the area of the Saints, settlers of origin. Today the Inter-American Highway has a different route.
There were several reasons for survival, which apparently indicated to the first settlers that these lands were of importance; among the characteristics is that they were very fertile for agriculture; it is also said that because of the type of relief, since the topography of this district is quite flat, and apparently, land communication had much to do because from General Viejo one went to Rivas, from Rivas to Buena Vista and from here to División, then to the Zone of Los Santos, from where most of the settlers emigrated.