Aguas de alicante atencion al cliente
Iberdrola customer service
Aguas de Alicante is in charge of the water service in Elche and supplies a population of 227659 inhabitants. You have at your disposal different alternatives to register your water in Elche through Aguas de Alicante:
To register the water in Elche and to be able to make a change of holder in your water bill, you can do it through Aguas de Alicante, for this you must fill out and send the documentation by the entity:
It is important to note that in order to make a change of owner in Elche, you have to pay an amount of money (less than to register for water) that corresponds to two concepts; The advance of consumption and consumption from the day you are in the property. To be able to make this payment, there are different ways of payment:
To be able to register the water in Elche, you must pay an economic amount that usually varies between 136€ and 185€, this amount is composed of 3 elements. The advance payment of the consumption, the network fee and the connection fee.
Aguas de alicante change of owner
Important: No application will be processed without the applicant’s identification documents attached. In case the applicant is not the owner of the supply, he/she must prove the right to use the property supplied.
We inform you that the personal data provided by sending the curriculum vitae, as well as those generated as a result of participation in selection processes, will be processed under the responsibility of EMPRESA MIXTA MUNICIPAL ABASTECIMIENTOS Y SERVICIOS DE CALPE, S.A., with CIF A53340055 and registered office at C/ DIPUTACION, 6 BAJO, 03710 Calpe, in order to participate in possible selection processes for recruitment by the company.
The submission of the curriculum to the company is voluntary, so it will be considered by the company that you expressly consent to the processing of your data. If you send the curriculum of another person registering your data as the person who sends it, we understand that you do so because the person who owns the curriculum has requested it and that the owner consents and accepts all the conditions that are reflected in this document.
Aguas de alicante price
The company’s management, together with effective management for environmental protection, which has the objective of being a national benchmark in water management, striving to offer its users an accessible company, agile in its operations and committed to the environment.
effective management for environmental protection, which has the objective of being a national benchmark in water management, striving to offer its users an accessible company, agile in its operations and committed to the environment».
in the development of local Agenda 21, one of the objectives of which is the planning, in coordination between the local administration and the concessionary company, of improvements in water management: that is, to promote the sustainable consumption of resources and increase efficiency in their use.
in the implementation of local Agenda 21, one of whose aims is the planning, by the local administration and the company with the concession, of improved water management; in other words, improving the sustainable consumption of resources and increasing the efficiency of their use.
Aguas de alicante app
Conocidos como los Pozos de Garrigós, y situados en la ladera del monte Benacantil y no muy lejos de la Plaza del Puente, estos pozos recibían y acumulaban el agua de lluvia traída por un acueducto a una ciudad con graves problemas de escasez de agua. Estos grandes pozos, cuyo origen se remonta a la época musulmana y que posteriormente se consolidaron en el siglo XIX, albergan en la actualidad el Museo de las Aguas de Alicante (M2A) donde se explica cómo se resolvieron los problemas de agua de la ciudad (sequías y posteriores inundaciones). El museo se creó en 2009, en el 110 aniversario de la creación de Aguas de Alicante, y se ha convertido en un referente en materia medioambiental. Este museo forma parte de un esfuerzo por situar a la ciudad como símbolo de sostenibilidad entre las ciudades europeas; una curiosa mezcla de historia y futuro medioambiental para una sociedad marcada por la falta de agua.