Jose carlos diez libro

Time in english.

The loss of a loved one is always a terrible thing for everyone. But when an artist leaves us, there is no doubt that he does not leave us completely: he will always live on in his work and in the shared memory that his work left in the collective mind. And so it is with Carlos Diez, a beloved and renowned author who » Continue reading…

Have you seen the new Star Wars-themed sketches that Carlos Díez is doing? Come in to take a look! As you already know, Academia C10 has announced the III National Contest of Drawing, Illustration, Comic and Script «Star Wars», in which you can participate and check the conditions HERE. Entries will be accepted until » Continue reading…

Today we show you an illustration that you can buy in our catalog of original work by Carlos Díez and, in addition, we show you the step by step of the work so you can appreciate how it comes to life and movement little by little.

Uncertainty as the engine of life and history.

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Presentación del libro «la caverna»

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Alarmado por la gravedad de la situación, en mayo de 2013 publiqué mi primer libro, Hay vida después de la crisis, con el propósito de contribuir al debate y explicar las causas de esta maldita crisis que tan grandes cicatrices ha dejado: ha elevado el paro de larga duración hasta el punto que, en muchos casos, se ha convertido en pobreza; ofrece trabajos precarios y escasos a nuestros jóvenes mientras la cesta de la compra y las facturas de bienes básicos, como la electricidad, se han disparado.

José-luis orozco: «ten little fingers».

The process has just begun and will be very complex, as was the German unification and the abandonment of communism in the countries of Eastern Europe. But it is a historical fact. The Castros are in their eighties and the regime is languishing. Castro himself in 2010 acknowledged in an interview that communism had failed.

In my next book -which will be in bookstores next spring- I analyze the failure of communism and also of extreme capitalism. On the other hand, I also advocate a mixed market economy with the state actively intervening to guarantee equal opportunities and correct poverty and extreme inequality.

In 2006 this observant economist was vacationing in Cuba and took the opportunity to meet with people on the island and learn more about the Cuban communist experiment. In a meeting with a senior member of the economic team, he already admitted to me that they were studying Vietnam’s model of transition from economic planning to a market economy.

The key is to orient your economy to exports to increase domestic income and wages. The hardest part will be to create an innovative entrepreneurial class and it will take decades to achieve this. Obama’s decision will allow the influx of U.S. tourism and make transportation costs much cheaper for Canadians, which will increase dollar inflows.

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