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1Please note that any investment in financial markets is subject to market fluctuations and certain risks, including the risk of loss of principal invested and/or lack of return. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results.

3 The risk level and information of each of the Investment Funds marketed by Open Bank, S.A. is detailed in the Prospectus or Key Investor Information Document (KID) of each of the Investment Funds, available in the file of each fund at and

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El Banco se dedica principalmente a la banca comercial en Chile, proporcionando servicios bancarios generales a una base de clientes diversa que incluye grandes corporaciones, pequeñas y medianas empresas y particulares. A 31 de marzo de 2002, el Banco de Chile contaba con activos totales por un valor equivalente a 13.400 millones de dólares, créditos por casi 9.000 millones de dólares, depósitos por más de 8.000 millones de dólares y un patrimonio neto de 827 millones de dólares.

La información proporcionada por las diferentes páginas web del Grupo BME es de uso interno. Para cualquier uso comercial y/o que implique la redistribución de la información a terceros, se requiere la autorización previa y expresa de BME Market Data. Por favor, póngase en contacto con nosotros en [email protected].

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The best way to choose a mortgage is to know what you want or need and analyze different options. Your bank is a good option, because you know them and they know you better and, in most cases, they can offer you the best deals. Although it is usual that, since it is a very important financial operation, you also consult the conditions in other entities.

The payment of the amount corresponding to the chosen promotion will be credited to the account associated with the plan on February 3, 2022. The amount paid is considered income subject to personal income tax in accordance with the tax legislation in force at the time of payment and the net amount will be credited to the account after the appropriate tax withholding.

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Sabemos que tienes grandes planes para tu jubilación, por eso queremos ofrecerte unas condiciones nunca vistas por traspasar tu plan de pensiones4 o EPSV5 con nosotros y disfrutar de tu futuro a lo grande.

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